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Our 5 Favourite Pyrex Recipes

Born in 1915, Pyrex has been offering families new ideas to help prepare, cook and serve their food for over a century. Here are our some of our favourite Pyrex recipes...

Our 5 Favourite Pyrex Recipes

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Mother Earth

Mum always knows best, so this year be sure to show her just how much you appreciate her. Here’s our pick of the best Mother’s Day treats for your ethically-conscious mum…

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Fairtrade & Fabulous

It's Fairtrade Fortnight and to celebrate we're shining a light on the most stylish and sustainable products on the market

Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight

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We’ve been chatting all things food and nutrition with CNM lecturer, natural chef and nutritional therapist, Olivier Sanchez...

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