Fairtrade Fortnight is about uniting as a community to make a change in the way we think about the products we use on a daily basis. It’s important to start thinking about our Faitrade choices, from the tea in our mugs, to the sugar in our bakes and the cotton in our clothes. According to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, the UK is one of the largest consumers of Fairtrade goods with over £1.6 billion in sales every year, so join in this year and help support farmers as they work to improve their lives and their communities. Here are just a few of our favourite products...
What is Fairtrade?
Fairtrade is simply offering a fair price to the farmers of our food in the developing world, enabling them to sustain the produce they grow and invest in their community. fairtrade.org.uk
Rawr Chocolate, £2.45, rawrchoc.com
Made with 100% Fairtrade cocoa and vanilla, this vegan chocolate was one of our favourite Veganuary snacks. We love their 80% cacao bar; it’s perfect for curing the 3pm sugar slump.
Percol Decaf Coffee, £3.60, available from ocado.com
Since launching in 1987, Percol has been one of the leading pioneers of the Fairtrade coffee movement in the UK, dedicated to supporting the farmers who grow their coffee beans. This naturally decaffeinated Colombian coffee is rich and velvety with hints of caramel.
The Raw Chocolate Company Cacao Nibs, £4.19, therawchocolatecompany.com
All of the cacao products sold by The Raw Chocolate Company are un-roasted, un-Dutched (not treated with an alkalizing agent to modify color and give it a milder taste) and organic.These bitter cacao nibs make the perfect chocolate chips substitute in pancakes, cookies or muffins.
Steenberg’s Vanilla Sugar, £3.50, steenbergs.co.uk
This family-run firm have been at the forefront of Fairtrade spices since 2003. Last year Steenberg's achieved carbon neutral status by purchasing carbon credits in a reforestation project in Sri Lanka. We’re loving using this aromatic vanilla sugar in our homemade hot chocolate.