Cumberland Sauce
Serves: 6 Ready in: 15 to 30 mins
Cumberland Sauce.

* 2 Oranges
* 1 Lemon
* 25g/1oz Butter
* 1 Shallot, finely chopped
* 25g/1oz piece fresh root ginger, grated
* 125ml/4fl oz Port
* 1 tsp Dijon Mustard
* 350g/12 oz Redcurrant Jelly
- Using a potato peeler, peel the zest from the oranges and lemon as thinly as possible, then cut into fine stripes. Blanch zest in boiling water for 1 minute, then drain, plunge into cold water and drain well. Juice the fruits.
- Heat the butter in a small pan, then fry the shallot and ginger for 4-5 minutes until soft. Add the port, lemon and orange juices and mustard. Bring to boil then boil until reduced by half, about 20 minutes. Add the jelly and simmer until it melts. Pass through a sieve to remove the ginger, then add the zest.