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5 Reasons We Love The McCartneys

They're veggie royalty for a reason...

1. Linda McCartney Foods

This incredible company is celebrating its 25th birthday this year and from its staple pieces that launched the brand, to the exciting new products on sale this year (Vegetarian Chicken Paella, anyone?), these foods have always seen us veggies right. From being the only veggie in the family as a teenager, to rushing in late from work in need of a quick and easy dinner, Linda McCartney Foods has grown up with us. Thanks Linda!


2. Stella's Fur-free Fashion

Stella McCartney is one of the UK's most in-demand fashion designers and, through her incredible designs, Stella has made cruelty-free fashion mainstream. Never once buckling to pressure to incorporate leather or fur into her lines, Stella has paved the way for other cool vegetarian fashion companies to launch.


3. Paul's Outspokenness

Since he and Linda became vegetarian in 1975, Paul has never shied away from speaking his mind about animal rights in interviews, and as such, has coined some of the most well known quotes on vegetarianism ever.


4. Mary's Recipes

Mary took after her mum with a successful career as a photographer and then launching two fantastic cookbooks that every household should own – Food and At My Table. This recipe for Black Bean Burgers, from At My Table, is one of our top veggie burger recipes of all time!


5. Meat-free Monday

Paul, Mary and Stella launched Meat-free Monday in 2009 and celebrities, restaurants, schools and other organisations are all a part of this not-for-profit campaign. And what a good idea it is too, because whilst giving up meat might be too much for some people, having a meat-free day once a week feels more achievable.

Image: lindamccartneyfoods

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