M@nGo M@dNeSs Recipe: Cook Vegetarian Magazine

M@nGo M@dNeSs

This is one of my favorite inventions. It's fast, nutritious, and yummily delicious. Was created as a warm dessert, and delightfully discovered it is a scrumptious cold breakfast also.

Ready in:
 Under 15 Mins

  • 3 Cups cooked organic Rice, drain excess water and discard
  • 3 Cups pre-cooked organic rice
  • [Rice can be served warm or cold]
  • 1 teaspoon Organic Agave Necter
  • 3 Mangos, peel and slice, approximate 3 1/2 cups
  • [set aside 6 thin slices for garnish]
  • 1 Banana (organic) sliced 1/8 round, 18 pieces
  • 6 Organic Black Cherry (for tops)
  • [additional cherries up to 1/2 cup can be added to rice]
  • (All ingredients: Organic preferred)
  • SERVING PORTION: 1/2 cup each for 6. (Some ask for second servings)
  • 1

    Gentley fold Organic Agave Necter into cooked rice.

  • 2

    Even more gentley fold M@nGo slices into rice mixture.

  • 3

    Serving portion; 1/2 cup rice mixture, arrange 3 slices banana, 1 slice mango, top with 1 Black Cherry. (I use a little organic whipped sweet cream to hold the cherry in place.)

M@nGo M@dNeSs Recipe: Cook Vegetarian Magazine

M@nGo M@dNeSs was taken from COOK VEGETARIAN

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